Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Go Fig-ure!

Ok- so my administrative skills could use some work... gonna need to hire someone to keep an eye on things around here. Coulda sworn I had posted this one months ago. (I know it says August 22, but I didn't really get this one up till early January) Anyway- better late than never.

I stopped at the farmers market on Sunday and made a great find. One of the vendors had Figs. Brought me back to the tree in my backyard in Brooklyn, a white fig tree that stood up surprisingly well against some harsh winters and put out some of the sweetest figs I've ever eaten.

So I bought a tray of these, hoping for the best but prepared for the worst... it was a mixed tray of Italian strawberry figs and black figs. After picking up a few more things, I headed home and made one quick stop at a deli on the way. Even if the figs were good, a little prosciutto would make them great. And then, if the figs weren't so good, I would at least have a little prosciutto to eat... either way, it would be a win for me.

I got home, poured a little something to go with them and dove in. I was shocked- here it was August, about a month ahead of what was usually the start of good figs from my old tree, and I was tearing through some of the best figs I had ever eaten. They were big and soft and perfectly ripe- inside was sweet as honey. They were promptly paired off with some of that thinly sliced prosciutto and devoured with little regard for fingers.

I tell ya- it was definitely the highlight of the day... maybe the week. The pair off was a little bit of perfection. A little salt, a little sweet... what else is there? A great flavor for late August. They were so good, I didn't save any for the grill... guess I'll have to get some more next week.

There is nothing like a nice mange after spending some time at the farmer's market. If the season is right and you're looking for a quick bite that will keep your mouth happy all day, you have to go with the figs and prosciutto. There really isn't a better way this time of year. 'Cause Johnny Tomatoes says so!


Anonymous said...

Hi Johnny Tomatoes!
So happy to see a new post. Love figs! In fact, now I'm upset because I won't have another fresh fig for a long while. Keep posting, my friend.
And thanks for the link :)

Proud Italian Cook said...

Same here Johnny T, thanks for the link! You really need to post more, we gotta keep the Italian thing going!! I'll be checking back for sure!

Unknown said...

Hi John! What a great post!....I'm sooo hungry just thinking about roasted figs (even though i've never had them before) Keep the posts coming! Hope things are going well. Love cousin, Gina

By the way, went to City Crab for my birthday dinner...what a home-run! It was delicious!! Thanks for the suggestion cant wait to go back. :)

Anonymous said...

...c'mon! Get posting! I want to hear what you have to say concerning Italian food and culture as you see and have experienced it ;)