Ok- quick one... let me set the stage- warm summer evening, dinner on the grill and I'm ready to pour a cocktail. So I pull down my bottle of Crown, load a little ice in the glass, and get ready to pour. Problem. No mixers... no Coke, no Ginger Ale, not even any sour mix... what to do... what to do...
It was at that moment I decided to invent a new cocktail... I had a couple of quart bottles of sweet tea I had made the night before. Like a lightning strike, I had it... Royaltea... my new cocktail of choice... and because I am such a giver, I am going to share it with you... my close personal friends...
Like any good cocktail, start with a pint glass... yeah- a pint glass... I mean if you're gonna do this might as well pour it right... besides, it's so good you won't question it after you finish the first one... load it up about half way with ice. I borrowed this glass from my favorite bar in San Diego, Papa's Hammer- great place to go for a cold beer and a great meal...
Finish it with a fast pour of Sweet Tea... poured correctly it will be a 'self-mixing' cocktail. You can add a little lemon if you like, but if you brewed your tea the right way- steeping the lemon with the leaves- you wont need to.
The sweetness of really good Sweet Tea (gotta pronounce the 'Swate tay' to get it right) works perfectly with the Crown... just the thing for a hot summer night.. or a cold winter night... or anywhere in between.
They say necessity is the mother of invention... well, thanks Mom- glad you could help me invent this one. I'm glad all my ears of training and the spirit of ingenuity my parents fostered in me during my youth have enabled me to reach this pinnacle.
In a pinch, you have to use whatever resources are at your disposal... improvise... adapt and overcome... 'Cause Johnny Tomatoes says so!!